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Mr. Rich Smith » English 10 - Semester 2

English 10 - Semester 2

Day 1 - January 10, 2024:
Assignment #1: Email Your Teacher
Using your Office 365 Account, Email your teacher introducing yourself. Answer the following questions in your email?
What areas in school were you successful Semester 1?
What areas in school did you struggle the most Semester 1?
How would you describe your effort in Semester 1?
What are your goals for Semester 2?
This assignment is due by the end of the period.
Assignment #2:  Join Khan Academy
In this assignment, you will go to and create an account using the class codes that are in the following video:
Please be sure to use your district email address to make your account. 
Assignment #3:  Khan Academy - Introduction to Adjectives and Articles
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Introduction to Adjectives and Articles". There are four video assignments and three quizzes.
Day 2 - January 11, 2024:
Assignment #4:  OneNote: "Four Freedoms Speech" by Franklin Delano Roosevelt
In this assignment, you will read Pages 269-276 in the textbook. You will complete a SOAPSTONE Summary of the speech as well as complete Pages 277 (Questions 1-4), 278 (Analyze the Text 1-3), Page 280 (Why These Words? 1-2 and fill out the chart for Word Study). You will take pictures of these three pages and add them to your OneNote.
Here is an audio version of the speech:
Here is a video summary of the highlights and annotations:
Day 5 - January 17, 2024:
Assignment #5:  Khan Academy - Introduction to Adverbs
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on Adverbs". There are two video assignments and three quizzes.
Day 6 - January 18, 2024:
Test #1: The "Four Freedoms" Speech by Franklin D. Roosevelt
Day 8 - January 22, 2024:
Assignment #6:  OneNote: "Inaugural Address" by John F. Kennedy
In this assignment, you will read Pages 283-286 in the textbook. You will complete a SOAPSTONE Summary of the speech as well as complete Pages 287 (Questions 1-4), 288 (Analyze the Text 1-4), Page 290 (Why These Words? 1-2 and fill out the chart for Word Study). You will take pictures of these three pages and add them to your OneNote.
Here is video version of the speech:
Day 10 - January 24, 2024:
Assignment #7:  Khan Academy - Adjective Order and Commas with Adjectives
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Adjective Order and Commas with Adjectives". There are two video assignments and two quizzes.
Day 11 - January 25, 2024:
Test #2: The "Inaugural Address" by John F. Kennedy
Day 15 - January 31, 2024:
Assignment #8:  Khan Academy - Comparative, Superlative, Intensifiers, and Adverbs of Degree
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Comparative, Superlative, Intensifiers, and Adverbs of Degree". There are three video assignments and two quizzes.
Test #3: Khan Academy - Modifiers Unit Test
Day 16 - February 1, 2024:
Performance Task #1:  Informative Essay
Here is a video summary of the Unit 3 Performance Task beginning on Page 298 of the textbook.
Day 18 - February 5, 2024:
Assignment #9:  Join EdPuzzle Class
Using your Microsoft Office 365 Account, login to and join the EdPuzzle Class with the following link:
Assignment #10:  EdPuzzle: Peak - Chapters 1-3
In this assignment, you will complete Chapters 1-3 of the novel Peak by Roland Smith.
Day 19 - February 6, 2024:
Assignment #11:  EdPuzzle: Peak - Chapters 4-6
In this assignment, you will complete Chapters 4-6 of the novel Peak by Roland Smith.
Day 20 - February 7, 2024:
Assignment #12:  Khan Academy - Introduction to Prepositions
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Introduction to Prepositions". There are four video assignments and three quizzes.
Day 21 - February 8, 2024:
Assignment #13:  EdPuzzle: Peak - Chapters 7-9
In this assignment, you will complete Chapters 7-9 of the novel Peak by Roland Smith.
Day 23 - February 12, 2024:
Assignment #14:  EdPuzzle: Peak - Chapters 10-12
In this assignment, you will complete Chapters 10-12 of the novel Peak by Roland Smith.
Day 24 - February 13, 2024:
Assignment #15:  EdPuzzle: Peak - Chapters 13-15
In this assignment, you will complete Chapters 13-15 of the novel Peak by Roland Smith.
Day 25 - February 14, 2024:
Assignment #16:  Khan Academy - Types of Prepositions and Phrases
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Types of Prepositions and Phrases". There are three video assignments and three quizzes.
Day 27 - February 20, 2024:
Assignment #17:  EdPuzzle: Peak - Chapters 16-18
In this assignment, you will complete Chapters 16-18 of the novel Peak by Roland Smith.
Day 28 - February 21, 2024:
Assignment #18:  Khan Academy - Introduction to Conjunctions
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Introduction to Conjunctions". There are two video assignments and three quizzes.
Day 29 - February 22, 2024:
Assignment #19:  EdPuzzle: Peak - Chapters 19-21
In this assignment, you will complete Chapters 19-21 of the novel Peak by Roland Smith.
Day 31 - February 26, 2024:
Assignment #20:  EdPuzzle: Peak - Chapters 22-24
In this assignment, you will complete Chapters 22-24 of the novel Peak by Roland Smith.
Day 33 - February 28, 2024:
Assignment #21:  Khan Academy - Correlative Conjunctions
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Correlative Conjunctions". There are two video assignments and two quizzes.
Test #4: Khan Academy - Prepositions and Conjunctions Unit Test
Day 34 - February 29, 2024:
Assignment #22:  EdPuzzle: Peak - Chapters 25-27
In this assignment, you will complete Chapters 25-27 of the novel Peak by Roland Smith.
Day 36 - March 4, 2023:
Assignment #23:  EdPuzzle: Peak - Chapters 28-30
In this assignment, you will complete Chapters 28-30 of the novel Peak by Roland Smith.
Day 38 - March 6, 2024:
Assignment #24:  Khan Academy - Introduction to Commas
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Introduction to Commas". There are three video assignments and three quizzes.
Day 39 - March 7, 2024:
Assignment #25:  OneNote: "I Came, I Saw, I Shopped"
In this assignment, you will read Pages 366-367 in the textbook. You will complete a summary of the article on Page 368 and the QuickWrite on Page 369. You will take pictures of these two pages and add them to your OneNote.
Day 40 - March 8, 2024:
Assignment #26:  OneNote: "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant
In this assignment, you will read Pages 373-380 in the textbook. You will complete Page 381 (Questions 1-4), Page 382 (Analyze the Text) and Page 384 (Why These Words, Practice, and Word Study). You will take pictures of these three pages and add them to your OneNote
Day 43 - March 13, 2024:
Assignment #27:  Khan Academy - Commas in Time and Space
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Commas in Time and Space". There are three video assignments and two quizzes.
Day 45 - March 15, 202:
Assignment #28:  OneNote: "Civil Peace" by Chinua Achebe
In this assignment, you will read Pages 389-394 in the textbook. You will complete Page 395 (Questions 1-4), Page 396 (Analyze the Text) and Page 398 (Why These Words and Word Study). You will take pictures of these three pages and add them to your OneNote.
Day 48 - March 20, 2024:
Assignment #29:  Khan Academy - More Ways to Use Commas
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "More Ways to Use Commas". There are four video assignments and two quizzes.
Test #6: Khan Academy - Commas Unit Quiz
Day 49 - March 21, 2024:
Test #7: "Civil Peace" by Chinua Achebe
Day 51 - April 8, 2024:
Assignment #30:  OneNote: "Fit for a King: Treasures of Tutankhamun"
In this assignment, you will read Pages 402-405 in the textbook. You will complete Page 406 by answering questions in the OneNote.
Day 52 - April 9, 2023:
Performance Task #2:  Informative Essay
Day 53 - April 10, 2024:
Assignment #31:  Khan Academy - Apostrophes and Contractions
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Apostrophes and Contractions". There are three video assignments and three quizzes.
Day 56 - April 15, 2024:
Assignment #32:  EdPuzzle - Clash of the Gods: Zeus
Day 58 - April 17, 2024:
Assignment #33:  Khan Academy - Introduction to the Possessive
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Introduction to the Possessive". There are three video assignments and two quizzes.
Day 59 - April 18, 2024:
Assignment #34:  EdPuzzle - Clash of the Gods: Hercules
Day 61 - April 22, 2024:
Assignment #35:  EdPuzzle - Clash of the Gods: The Minotaur
Day 63 - April 24, 2024:
Assignment #36:  Khan Academy - "Its" vs. "It's" 
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Its" vs. "It's". There are three video assignments and one quiz.
Test #8: Khan Academy - Comma and Apostrophe Unit Test
Day 64 - April 25, 2024:
Assignment #37:  OneNote - Oedipus Rex - Part 1
In this assignment, you will read Pages 675-697 in the textbook. You will complete Page 698 (Questions 1-4) and Page 699 (Analyze the Text, Why These Words, and Word Study). You will take pictures of these two pages and add them to your OneNote.
Assignment #38:  EdPuzzle: Oedipus Rex - Part 1.1
Assignment #39:  EdPuzzle: Oedipus Rex - Part 1.2
Assignment #40:  EdPuzzle: Oedipus Rex - Part 1.3
Assignment #41:  EdPuzzle: Oedipus Rex - Part 1.4
Day 68 - May 1, 2024:
Assignment #42:  Khan Academy - Introduction to Colons
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Introduction to Colons". There are two video assignments and one quiz.
Day 71 - May 6, 2024:
Assignment #43:  OneNote - Oedipus Rex - Part 2
In this assignment, you will read Pages 703-720 in the textbook. You will complete Page 721 (Questions 1-5), Page 722 (Analyze the Text) and Page 724 (Why These Words, and Word Study). You will take pictures of these three pages and add them to your OneNote.
Assignment #44:  EdPuzzle: Oedipus Rex - Part 2.1
Assignment #45:  EdPuzzle: Oedipus Rex - Part 2.2
Assignment #46:  EdPuzzle: Oedipus Rex - Part 2.3
Assignment #47:  EdPuzzle: Oedipus Rex - Part 2.4
Day 73 - May 8, 2024:
Assignment #48:  Khan Academy - Introduction to Semicolons
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Introduction to Semicolons". There are two video assignments and three quizzes.
Test #10: Khan Academy - Colon and Semicolons Quiz
Day 73 - May 13, 2024:
Performance Task #3:  Non-Fiction Narrative (Page 728)
Day 78 - May 15, 2024:
Assignment #49:  Khan Academy - Hyphens, Dashes, and Ellipses
In this assignment, you will go to and complete the assignments on "Hyphens, Dashes, and Ellipses". There are three video assignments and three quizzes.

Test #12: Khan Academy - Colon and Semicolons Unit Test
Day 79 - May 16, 2024:
Assignment #50:  EdPuzzle: Stargirl - Prologue-Chapter 2
Day 80 - May 17, 2024:
Assignment #51:  EdPuzzle: Stargirl - Chapters 3-7
Day 81 - May 20, 2024:
Assignment #52:  EdPuzzle: Stargirl - Chapters 8-10
Day 82 - May 21, 2024:
Assignment #53:  EdPuzzle: Stargirl - Chapters 11-13
Day 83 - May 22, 2024:
Assignment #54:  EdPuzzle: Stargirl - Chapters 14-16
Day 84 - May 23, 2024:
Assignment #55:  EdPuzzle: Stargirl - Chapters 17-19
Day 85 - May 24, 2024:
Assignment #56:  EdPuzzle: Stargirl - Chapters 20-22
Day 86 - May 28, 2024:
Assignment #57:  EdPuzzle: Stargirl - Chapters 23-25
Day 87 - May 29, 2024:
Assignment #58:  EdPuzzle: Stargirl - Chapters 26-29
Day 88 - May 30, 2024:
Assignment #59:  EdPuzzle: Stargirl - Chapters 30-33