Lakeside High School

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ASB (Elective) » Associated Student Body (ASB)

Associated Student Body (ASB)

Associated Student Body (ASB)

Welcome! In collaboration with other organizations and clubs on campus, as your ASB family our goal is to serve you by facilitating a healthy school culture that creates memorable experiences for ALL students, promotes unity and spirit, and grows student leaders.

How will you RISE up today?

Any questions or concerns, you can reach out to Ms. Kelsey Weakly, ASB Director

(Email: [email protected])

We Want You To Be A Member Of Our Lakeside Leadership Family

Watch this video to experience the voice of our Leadership Family. Join the family and let your voice be heard! To join the family be sure to put Leadership on your registration paper & Ask your counselor for the application! 

Your ASB Connection

We are so excited to have the opportunity to serve you this year. Please feel free to reach out to any of us if you have ideas you would like to see implemented here at Lakeside. Stay connected by following us on Instagram @lakesideasb and Lakeside ASB on TikTok

Lakeside High School ASB Presents, "High School Transcript" Podcast 

A student lead interview style podcast with guests ranging form teachers to professional athletes and entertainment industry stars. Check us out on Spotify.
High School Transcript