Here are some classroom policies to be aware of:
Attendance - Please do your best to arrive on time. Tardy students may lose participation points and students who are habitually late will face disciplinary consequences. Parents will be contacted once an attendance issue is noticed.
Food and drink in the classroom - Food will not be allowed in the classroom at any time.
Electronic devices - The use of electronic devices will be restricted to educational purposes only under the supervision of the teacher according to state law. Cellphones must be stored in backpacks, and backpacks must be stowed once students enter the classroom. If students do not have backpacks, cellphones can be stowed in a charging station.
RISE and LEAD - At Lakeside High School our school mission statement is RISE and LEAD. Students will treat others with RESPECT, show academic INTEGRITY, demonstrate SCHOLARSHIP, and put forth their best EFFORT. Living up to this school mission is all I ask of students in terms of their behavior in class and at school. I will accept nothing less than a student's BEST. Once a student learns these skills, it is our goal that students leave a LEGACY of EXCELLENCE with ABILITY and DETERMINATION to be successful upon graduation of Lakeside High School.
Homework/Assignment Policy - Considering that most assignments will be completed online, even students who are absent will be expected to go to the teacher website to turn in work.
Grading - I will do my best to update grades on Infinite Campus as quickly as possible. It is the student's and parent's responsibility to check Infinite Campus to get an update of the grades in class. If a student has a D or F at the end of the grading period, the parents will be contacted by the school.
If you have any questions regarding the policies and procedures in my class, please email me at
[email protected].
Thank you,
Rich Smith
Lakeside High School