Also called Drama, Theatre Arts is a performance based art that often requires a team effort; a group of artists working together to create entertainment for an audience.
Below is a list of just some of the things we do at Lakeside's Outside the Box Players ...
* PLAY PRODUCTIONS: Fall and Spring (play production photos below)
* ACTING: Workshops for Stage, Film, Video
* WRITING: Screenplays and Plays
* DIRECTING: Student Productions
* HISTORY: Evolution of World Theatre
* PUPPETRY: Video Productions (student samples below)
* MUSIC VIDEOS: Student Productions(student sample below)
* CAREER: Headshot, Resume, Auditioning
**PUPPET SHOW FOR KIDS: "Billy the Worm" by Bailey Bliss
**PUPPET SHOW FOR KIDS: "Claudio and the Monsters" by Claudio LaCerva
MUSIC VIDEO: "La Llamada" by Aby Aguilar
PANTOMIME: "The Magician's Contest" by Micah Sharp
Since I was in high school I have been fascinated with Theatre Arts. For 28 years I have enjoyed teaching the various aspects of Theatre: acting, writing, directing, and more. I believe that the best actors are those who never lose sight of their childhood. Young people love to pretend. They believe the worlds they create. And that's what good actors do: create the illusion that what you see and hear them perform is real. The various methods necessary to create the illusion are what we study in our Theatre classes. I love teaching theatre to young people, and I'm proud of our multiple award-winning Outside the Box Players!