U.S. History and AP World History
As we begin this school year online, there are important tools you will need to access course material. Please see information below.
This year we will be utilizing Canvas for daily agendas.
Canvas: https://leusd.instructure.com
Clever: https://www.clever.com
McGraw-Hill History Textbook log-in directions:
McGraw-Hill: Use the following login info to log on to our textbook
Log on to Clever.com and find Lakeside High School in Lake Elsinore U.S.D.
- Click “login with active directory” Ø Username is 6-digit ID#@leusd.k12.ca.us
- Password is 8- digit birthday
- Scroll down to Social Science and Click on red McGraw-Hill icon and our History class.
Please note that it would also be helpful, and much easier for you, if you download the Canvas Student APP, as having it on your device will give you access to more features within those APPs.
Please also be sure that you and your parents are signed up for ParentSquare as this is the main communication tool for the district.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to email at: [email protected]