Per state and district guidelines, all medication (including over the counter medication) MUST have written parent and physician permission on file (annually) with the school health office. Additionally, all medications (including over the counter medications) must be kept in the health office- except for asthma inhalers, epi-pens and diabetic supplies. They still require all the same forms, but can be carried on the student at both physician order and parent request. You can download the Medication Form. Return completed forms to the health office or fax to 951-253-7319.
If your child requires medication while at school:
1.Print the appropriate form(s) from the district website
2.Sign the parent/guardian portion
3. Have your child’s physician complete the physician’s portion
4. Make an appointment with the school’s Health Office to return the completed form with your
child’s medication (original, labeled container required)
If your child uses a nebulizer medication at school, parents should speak to their doctor about switching the delivery to an inhaler. This is important because COVID-19 is an Aerosolized Transmissible Disease and nebulizers generate aerosol particles that can carry viruses and bacteria deep into the lung.
Injury and Illness Policy: Students are generally returned to class unless they have a significant illness/ injury or have a fever above 100.
Students should NOT be sent to school with the following symptoms listed below:
Fever (100 or above)
Nausea with or without vomiting
Pain that is not controlled
Flu Symptoms
Infectious Conjunctivitis (pink eye). This requires a physician's visit.
Students may return to school:
Fever free for 24 hours
No vomiting for the last 24 hours
Infectious Conjunctivitis (pink eye) when antibiotic treatment has been administered for at least
24 hours and symptoms have subsided.
Crutches, wheelchairs, and PE excuses:
Students with injuries requiring the use of wheelchairs, crutches, splints, braces, require a physician's note describing their physical activity limitations. All physician's notes for PE excusal or limitations are to be brought to the health office. The health office logs the notes and informs the PE teacher. Parents may write a note for their child to be excused from PE for up to 3 days. After 3 days, a physician's note is required.