By Beth Jones and Gina Hurley in cooperation with the Purdue Online Writing Lab. This video will walk you through how to format a paper following MLA guidelines from the MLA Handbook 7th Edition.
Dashboard Overview for Students
This video shows students how to manage the student dashboard and sidebar.
Canvas Student App
This video is for Canvas Student app users on iOS and Android devices. The steps in this video are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Assignment Submissions for Students
This video depicts the functionality of Canvas. Viewers will learn about the different ways assignments can be submitted.
Collaborations Overview for Students
This video demonstrates how to use Collaborations in your Canvas course.
Discussions Overview for Students
This video shows how to reply, and edit discussion posts.
Groups Overview for Students
This video teaches students how to use the groups feature in Canvas.
MLA Style: In-Text Citations
This vidcast explains how to create in-text citations using MLA 8th Edition, which was published in 2016.
MLA Style: Works Cited
This vidcast explains how to create a Works Cited list using MLA 8th Edition, which was published in 2016.
Purdue OWL: Thesis Statements
This video helps you consider the form and function of thesis statements and give you tips for writing statements that are specific to your text's rhetorical situation.
Plagiarism Video for Schools
This video is to make students aware of plagiarism and how to avoid it.
MLA OWL at Purdue Video
This video explains how to avoid plagiarism through in-text citations, works cited pages, and footnotes.
How to take Cornell Notes Properly
Cornell Notes are proven to help students study and increase their performance and retention. This video shows how to use this method in the classroom, while reading, or even watching videos.